Location Data Use

Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of this location data use is to outline rights and responsibilities of Lobin Co. (the “Company”) and the members (who agrees to the terms and conditions of services provided by the Company, hereinafter referred to as “Members”) in association with “Robin Rebounder” (the online internet services developed and operated by the Company, hereinafter referred to as “App”).

Article 2. Requirements

Members who can subscribe to the services must be the owner of the communication device that can use the location-based services.

Article 3. Subscription to Services

The Company may refuse to accept any requests for subscription for the following reasons:

  1. Applications under a false name or another person’s name
  2. Applications with omission or error of required information
  3. Applications filed for the purpose of hindering public order or good customs
  4. Applications not satisfying other requirements set by the Company
Article 4. Cancellation of Services

Members can request for cancellation of services through the procedures set by the Company.

Article 5. Effectuation and Revision of Location Data Use

① This location data use takes effect when a users who applied for the service or the subject of personal location data registers as a Member according to the procedure set by the Company.

② If the customer or personal location data subject who applied for the services reads all of this location data use online and clicks the “agree” button, it is considered that they have read all of these terms and conditions, and have fully understood and agreed to its effectuation.

③ If the customer or the subject of personal location data does not agree to this location data use, the use of services provided by the company based on personal location data may be restricted.

④ If necessary, the Company may amend this location data use within the scope of relevant laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Relevant Laws”) such as the “Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information,” “Content Industry Promotion Act,” “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce”, etc.

⑤ If the Company revises this location data use, it will specify the date and reason for amendment of the existing terms and conditions, and announce them on the Company’s web page and App for a considerable period of time from 10 days before the effective date. However, if the contents of the revised terms and conditions impose new obligations or restrict rights on Members, they shall be notified through the Company’s web page and App at least from 30 days before the effective date, and the revised terms and conditions shall be sent to the Members electronically.

Article 6. Other Applicable Rules

This location data use shall be applied fairly in accordance with the principle of good faith, and matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be subject to relevant laws and prevailing transaction practices.

Article 7. Scope of Services

The Company provides the following services:

  1. Geo-tagging for classication of location-based contents
  2. Information on products or services of the Company or its affiliates
Article 8. Charges for Services

① In principle, the Company provides services for free of charge. However, a Member can use the paid services upon payment of fees specified in the screen, to use the paid services.

② The Company may charge the fee for using the paid services by the method prescribed by the payment processing agent contracted with the Company or by adding it to the invoice prescribed by the Company.

③ Cancellation and refund of payments made for the use of paid services shall be in accordance with the relevant laws and policies of the Company.

④ The charges for data communication incurred when using wireless services shall be paid separately by the Member in accordance with the policies of each mobile carrier that the Member has subscribed to.

⑤ The charges incurred when posting contents via MMS shall be paid separately by the Member in accordance with the policies of each mobile carrier that the Member has subscribed to.

Article 9. Notification of Changes in Services

① If the Company changes or terminates services, the Company shall notify the Members to the e-mail address registered by the member in advance of one(1) week.

② In the case of notifying an unspecified number of Members in association with the preceding paragraph, it may be notified to Members through the Company’s web page.

Article 10. Interruption of the Services

① The Company may restrict or suspend the services of its Members in the event of any of the following reasons:

  1. When a Member intentionally or negligently interferes with the operation of the Company’s services
  2. When it is unavoidable due to inspection, repair, or construction of service facilities
  3. When a telecommunication business operator ceases its service as prescribed by the Telecommunications Business Act
  4. When the use of services is hindered due to a national emergency, failure of service facilities, or congestion of service use
  5. When it is difficult for the Company to continue providing services for other critical reasons

② The Company shall notify the Members individually or via internet, when the Company restricts or suspends the use of the service pursuant to the preceding paragraph. However, if the services are discontinued due to reasons beyond the Company’s control as follows, it may be notified afterwards:

  1. When a communication device transferring personal location data does not support receive a text, voice, or video functions
  2. When a Member requests other methods
Article 11. Rights of Personal Location Data Subject

① Members may withdraw all or part of their consent to the location-based services using personal location data and the provision of personal location data to third parties at any time to the Company. In this case, the Company shall destroy the collected personal location data, the use of location data, and the fact of provision.

② Members may request the Company to temporarily suspend the collection, use, or provision of personal location data at any time.

③ A member may request the Company to view or disclaim the following data, and may request correction if there is an error in the data. In this case, the company shall not reject the Member’s request without justifiable reason.

  1. Confirmation of the use and provision of location data for the Member
  2. Reasons and contents for providing the Member’s location data to a third party

④ Members may exercise the rights of paragraphs 1 through 3 in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Company.

Article 12. Right of Legal Representatve

① For Members under the age of 14, the Company shall provide services using personal location data only when consent is obtained from both the Member and the Member’s legal representative. In this case, the legal representative has all the rights of the Member under this location data use, and the Company considers the legal representative as a Member.

② The company must obtain consent from both the Member and the legal representative if it intends to use or provide personal location data and confirmation on the provision of such location data of Members under the age of 14 beyond the scope specified or notified in this document, except the following cases:

  1. When confirmation on the use and provision of location data is required for the settlement of charges for the provision of personal location data and location-based services
  2. When personal location data is processed and provided in an unidentifiable form for statistical preparation, academic research, or market research purposes
  3. When there are special provisions in other relevant laws and regulations
Article 13. Designation of Location Data Manager

① The Company shall designate a person to a position who can take practical responsibility to properly manage and protect location data and handle complaints of personal location data subjects smoothly.

② The Company’s location data manager shall be the head of the department responsible for and managing all matters related to the provision of location-based services, and the practical details shall be in accordance with the provisions of this document.

Article 14. Liquidation of Damages

① If the Company violates the provisions of Articles 15 to 26 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Data, the Member may claim damages against the Company.

② If a Member intentionally or negligently violates the provisions of this location data use, the Member shall compensate the Company for all damages incurred.

Article 15. Indemnification

① The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the Member if it is unable to provide the service for any of the following reasons:

  1. When there is a natural disaster or force majeure events equivalent thereto
  2. When there is intentional service interference by a third party
  3. Where there is an interference of services due to reasons attributable to Members
  4. Where it falls under other reasons without intention or negligence of the Company

② The Company does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of the information, data, facts, etc. published in the services and shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the Members.

③ The Company shall not be liable for the loss of revenue expected from the use of the services by the Member or for damages incurred to the Member due to data obtained through other services.

Article 16. Dispute Resolution

① The Company may apply for a ruling to the Korea Communications Commission in accordance with Article 28 of the “Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information” if the parties will not or cannot resolve a dispute related to location data.

② The Company or customer may apply for intermediation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee in accordance with Article 43 of the “Personal Information Protection Act” if the parties will not or cannot resolve a dispute related to location data.

③ Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 through 2, if the dispute between the parties is not resolved smoothly and the dispute resolution procedure is followed by the court, the Seoul Central District Court shall be designated as the exclusive first trial court.

Article 17. Contact of Company

The general information of the Company is as following:

  1. Name : Lobin Co.
  2. CEO : E.K. Ham
  3. Address : #4121 SOL623 Bldg, 25 Sangwon 1-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
  4. Phone : +82-2-6403-9423
Supplementary Provisions
Article 1. Effective Date

This location data use shall be taken into effect on January 1, 2023.

Article 2. Location Data Manager

As of January 1, 2023, the location data manager is designated as following:

  1. Organization : Lobin Co.
  2. Name : Harim Lee
  3. Title : CPO
  4. Phone : +82-2-6403-9423
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2024 access fee is USD 528 USD 176(VAT included), for access to the Member Dashboard for a year until December 31, 2024.

Please check out the details for using the Member Dashboard here .

Data Source

  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Establishments: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

Data Source

  • Population: Population, Total (World Bank Open Data)
  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

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※ Messages intended for defamation or obstruction of business by Lobin Co. and /or other third parties, or containing content that is obscene, violent or unrelated to Lobin Co.’s business, will automatically be blocked by the system and not delivered to the administrator.

Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • USA: Census Database (STR)
  • Period: As at the end of 2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Life cycle was calculated as of December 31, 2021 or actual closure date. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST), Economic Census (KOSIS), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA), DART (FSS), Trends Report (STR)
  • USA: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR), Trends Report (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Visibility was calculated as the number of establishments for which revenue data is available divided by the total number of establishments. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Guests(Korea): Domestic Traveler Survey (MCST), International Traveler Survey (MCST), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA)
  • Rooms(Korea): Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • Guests(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Trends Report (STR)
  • Rooms(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2020

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.