Literacy > Lodging Glossary > Tourist Pension

Tourist Pension

A tourist pension is additionally designated to existing lodging establishments, such as rural minbaks, and is not used for business registration. It can be considered a type that was created by loosely legalizing the term ‘pension,’ which was customarily used for small lodging establishments in resort areas like rural minbaks.
Dictionary Definition
A pension refers to a small and affordable lodging establishment in some European countries, particularly France.
Statutory Definition
The ‘tourist pension business’ refers to a business in which ‘a person operating a lodging establishment' equips the facility with amenities suitable for natural and cultural experience tourism and offers them to tourists. In Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, a similar business is defined and used as a ‘retreat pension business’.
Lobin Commentary

The Annex 2 of the Enforcement Regulation of the Tourism Promotion Act stipulates the following criteria for designating a tourist pension business:

  1. The building must be in harmony with nature and the surrounding environment and be four stories or less.
  2. The number of guest rooms must be 30 or fewer.
  3. It must have the necessary facilities for cooking and lodging.
  4. It must have at least one type of facility that allows for the host’s hospitality, such as a barbecue area or campfire area (however, if the tourist pension consists of several buildings, these facilities can be installed jointly).
  5. Foreign language signs must be provided for accommodation and facilities.

Meanwhile, in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the ‘Special Act on Establishment of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and Development of Free International City’ separately defines ‘retreat pension business’ as a business that ‘provides or uses facilities suitable for lodging, cooking, and natural experience tourism to members, co-owners, or other tourists.’

The registration criteria for retreat pension business under the ‘Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Tourism Promotion Ordinance’ are generally similar to those for tourist pension business and include the following:

  1. The building of the retreat pension facility must be three stories or less.
  2. The number of guest rooms must be 10 or fewer.
  3. The guest rooms must have a living room, entrance (access), bathroom, toilet, and cooking facilities suitable for lodging and cooking (however, each room must have one entrance).
  4. The guest room area must be between 25 square meters and 100 square meters.
  5. Regardless of the land category, secure land of at least 330 square meters for use as an experience farm (a space where visitors can experience farming by cultivating crops or growing fruit trees) or land of at least 10,000 square meters for use as a ranch to enable natural experiences.
  6. The retreat pension must have at least two types of facilities within the site such as a children’s playground, a simple golf practice range, a gateball field, a pool, a barbecue area, or other experience facilities with themes related to Jeju’s unique traditional culture, and an experience farm must be established adjacent to the facility site or its boundary.
  7. Foreign language signs must be provided for accommodation and facilities.

The most significant difference between retreat pension business and tourist pension business is that the retreat pension business is used for business registration in Jeju and allowed for unit sales as well as membership recruitment, according to Article 251, Paragraph 3 of the ‘Special Act on Establishment of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and Development of Free International City.’

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Data Source

  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Establishments: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

Data Source

  • Population: Population, Total (World Bank Open Data)
  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

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Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • USA: Census Database (STR)
  • Period: As at the end of 2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Life cycle was calculated as of December 31, 2021 or actual closure date. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST), Economic Census (KOSIS), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA), DART (FSS), Trends Report (STR)
  • USA: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR), Trends Report (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Visibility was calculated as the number of establishments for which revenue data is available divided by the total number of establishments. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Guests(Korea): Domestic Traveler Survey (MCST), International Traveler Survey (MCST), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA)
  • Rooms(Korea): Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • Guests(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Trends Report (STR)
  • Rooms(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2020

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.