Consulting > Consulting Approach

Consulting Approach

Concerns for insolvency and shorter life cycles of lodging establishments are growing, as establishment types diversify and establishments downsize. The best way for lodging property owners and operators to fully control their establishment’s life cycle is to strike a balance between stability and agility. Lobin provides consulting services to help achieve it.
1. Economies of Speed
In the lodging industry, economies of scale, based on the mass production and distribution of standardized products, have been the most effective means of gaining a competitive edge. However, as establishment types diversify and establishments downsize, the economies of speed is gaining attentions.
Establishment Type
Average Rooms
* Data Source: Lobin's Lodging Database (Updated July 27, 2024)
2. Increase of Volatility
Meanwhile, with the diversification of establishment types, demand is spreading out, leading to increased volatility in demand. However, due to the downsizing of establishments, their ability to respond to volatility has weakened, increasing concerns about insolvency and shorter life cycles.
Data Source: Lobin's Lodging Database (updated 2024.07.27.)
3. Principles of Consulting
Lobin's consulting services aim to minimize the risk of involuntary closure and help property owners and operators fully control the life cycle of their establishments. Lobin's consulting services are provided according to the following principles:
4. Scope of Consulting
Lobin's consulting services aim to help lodging establishments strike a balance between economies of speed and economies of scale. In other words, we help secure both financial stability and agility to ensure full control over the life cycle of the establishment, through following services:
Operations Management
Enhance Productivity
Optimize Distribution Channel, Marketing Mix, Pricing Policy
Increase Revenues
Enhance Efficiency
Optimize Staffing, Purchasing Channel, Operating Standards
Reduce Expenses
Financial Management
Enhance Expandability
Optimize Asset Mix, Credit Score, Financing Channel
Smooth Financing
Secure Stability
Optimize Working Capital, Current Ratio, Cash Management
Maintain Solvency
Asset Management
Enhance Functionality
Optimize Facility Mix, Circulations, Utility Capacity
Extend Life Cycle
Enhance Differentiation
Demand Restructuring, Remodeling, Store Addition
Secure Competitiveness
Overall Workout
Short-term Measures
Financial Restructuring, Change Establishment Type, Rebranding
Effective Positioning
Long-term Measures
Optimize Owning & Operating Structure, Liquidate Assets
Efficient Value Chain
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Data Source

  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Establishments: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

Data Source

  • Population: Population, Total (World Bank Open Data)
  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

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Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • USA: Census Database (STR)
  • Period: As at the end of 2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Life cycle was calculated as of December 31, 2021 or actual closure date. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST), Economic Census (KOSIS), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA), DART (FSS), Trends Report (STR)
  • USA: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR), Trends Report (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Visibility was calculated as the number of establishments for which revenue data is available divided by the total number of establishments. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Guests(Korea): Domestic Traveler Survey (MCST), International Traveler Survey (MCST), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA)
  • Rooms(Korea): Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • Guests(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Trends Report (STR)
  • Rooms(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2020

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.