Literacy > Lodging Glossary > Tourist Lodging

Tourist Lodging

Tourist lodgings refer to lodging establishments registering and operating tourist lodging properties as tourism lodging businesses, encompassing both ‘hotels’ and ‘timeshares.’ The separation of tourist lodgings from general lodgings was part of a policy aimed at boosting foreign currency earnings by expanding facilities suitable for foreign visitors.
Statutory Definition
Tourist lodging properties refer to buildings registered and operated as 'tourist lodging businesses' pursuant to the Enforcement Decree of Building Act, and 'tourist lodging business' refers collectively to the hotel business and the timeshare business pursuant to Article 3, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of the Tourism Promorion Act.
Lobin Commentary

After liberation and the Korean War, the government pursued the establishment of a dedicated organization to promote the tourism industry for the purpose of earning foreign currency. Consequently, the Korea International Tourism Corporation was established in 1962 with the implementation of the ‘Tourism Business Promotion Act.’ The Korea International Tourism Corporation subsequently took over and operated hotels such as the Walkerhill Hotel, Tower Hotel, and Chosun Hotel.

However, during the economic development period, these hotels became burdensome due to deteriorated competitiveness from aging and resulting in deficits. In response, the government replaced the ‘Tourism Business Promotion Act’ with the ‘Tourism Business Act’ in 1976 to promote privatization. The initial Tourism Business Act included tourist hotels, motor tourist hotels, and youth hotels as tourist lodgings. In 1982, marine tourism hotels were added, and timeshares under the Public Health Act were reclassified to Tourism Business Act. In 1984, motor tourist hotels were excluded, and in 1986, family hotels were added.

In 1987, the ‘Tourism Business Act’ was replaced by the ‘Tourism Promotion Act,’ and in 1995, the supervising ministry changed from the Ministry of Transportation to the Ministry of Culture and Sports. The initial Tourism Promotion Act included tourist hotels, youth hostels, marine tourism hotels, timeshares, and family hotels, with addition of traditional hotels. With the exclusion of youth hostels in 1991, citizen hotels were added as a new category. In 1994, tourist hotels, public hotels, marine tourism hotels, family hotels, and traditional hotels were consolidated into hotel businesses. In 1999, marine tourism hotels were renamed as floating hotels, and citizen hotels were integrated into family hotels. Later, hostel businesses in 2009, small hotels and medical hotels in 2014 were added to the hotel business. Currently, the tourist lodging business is broadly divided into hotel business and timeshare business.

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Data Source

  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Establishments: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

Data Source

  • Population: Population, Total (World Bank Open Data)
  • GDP: GDP, Current $US (World Bank Open Data)
  • Rooms: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS)
  • Lodging GDP: Value Added by Industry (BEA), National Accounts (Cabinet Office), GDP of Indonesia (BPS), GDP & GNI by Sector (BOK), Economic Census (KOSIS)
  • Period: 2017-2021

※ In Korea, general & residential accommodations are included while rural & urban minbaks are excluded. Comparable countries are selected based upon availability of lodging GDP statistics for all types of accommodations.

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Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • USA: Census Database (STR)
  • Period: As at the end of 2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Life cycle was calculated as of December 31, 2021 or actual closure date. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Korea: Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST), Economic Census (KOSIS), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA), DART (FSS), Trends Report (STR)
  • USA: Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR), Trends Report (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2021

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. Visibility was calculated as the number of establishments for which revenue data is available divided by the total number of establishments. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.

Data Source

  • Guests(Korea): Domestic Traveler Survey (MCST), International Traveler Survey (MCST), Hotel Operating Statistics (KHA)
  • Rooms(Korea): Lodging Business Ledger (MOIS), Tourist Accommodation Ledger (MCST)
  • Guests(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Trends Report (STR)
  • Rooms(USA): Compendium of Tourism Statistics (UNWTO), Census Database (STR)
  • Period: 2005-2020

※ General & residential accommodations other than rural and urban minbaks asre included for Korea. If there exists a discrepancy between data sources for an establishment, the discrepancy was settled through an algorithm before use.