Lobin provides comprehensive data penetrating lodging industry and markets through the 'Lodging Data Dashboard', helping to timely capture the signals from the industry and markets.
Supply Analysis
Analyze product competitiveness against the competitive environment.
Demand Analysis
Analyze business productivity against the competitive environment.
Financial Analysis
Analyze business performance against the competitive environment.
Data Dashboard helps to effectively handle market risks with a seamless analysis of supply and demand dynamics by region and establishment type.
Lodging establishments in different regions and types used to be independent, while they are competing for the same demand more frequently.
Despite increasing importance of market visibility along with growing competition, the visibility from statistics is currently limited to 4% of establishments.
Lobin's database secured a data coverage of all types of lodging establishments for 19 years, including hotels, resort condos, general lodgings, residential lodgings, rural minbaks and urban minbaks.
Lobin's database secured a data coverage of all types of lodging establishments for 19 years, including hotels, resort condos, general lodgings, residential lodgings, rural minbaks and urban minbaks.
Data Processing
Check out the principles and methods in processing lodging industry data.
Data Literacy
We help to make sense of lodging industry data with useful references.